
Hello there…I am Ishan Kavinda Seneviratne and currently I am an undergraduate of 3rd year at Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology doing BSc(Hons) in Information Technology Specializing Software Engineering.

In this blog, I am looking forward to share my experiences regarding learning new programming tools and application frameworks and how those technologies will be utilized in the group project.

What to expect…

As I mentioned before, I will be sharing my experiences regarding some cool technologies and frameworks that will be taught during course known as “Application Frameworks” in our degree program. Mainly, I will focus on following tools and technologies on the upcoming posts.

  • Java Spring

– This is a very popular Java Framework which is used in creating robust Java applications including enterprise applications.

  • Node.js

– Node.js is a very easy-to-use javascript framework which is predominantly used as a server-side scripting language which results in dynamic web pages.

  • React.js

– This is a very powerful JavaScript library which is used in creating interactive user interfaces. React.js is a frontend javascript library.

  • MongoDB

– MongoDB is a very popular NoSQL database where data is stored as documents. This is a very high in scalability and supports cloud storage as well.

Coming up….

On my next post, I will focus on Node.js by going through some of its features and more importantly, I will talk about how I experimented with it.

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